CACSR Representative: Dr. Sonia Cheng

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Our Department of Surgery (DOS) includes cardiac surgeons, ENTs, general surgeons, ophthalmologists, orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, plastic surgeons, pediatric surgeons, thoracic surgeons, urologists, vascular surgeons, PhDs <table below>, residents and research coordinators. We conduct clinical, fundamental, translational and medical education research. Since the creation of the clinician-scientist program four years ago at our institution, one general surgery resident and two neurosurgery residents are enrolled.

As the Research Chair of my DOS, my mission is mainly to promote research projects in all surgical fields and their publications. The DOS research committee is composed of one member of each surgical division as well as the DOS research coordinator. Their main goals are to assess the research projects submitted by surgeons and residents for grants and to oversee the execution of the research projects granted. Each residency program have a research program headed by a research director, which is usually a member of the DOS research committee. The DOS Chair is very supportive of the research mission as well as our Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences de la Santé (FMSS) and our Research Center (CRCHUS).